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Weaning Food, Indian Homemade Baby Recipes, 6 to 7 months

When is the right time to start weaning?

Weaning is not about charts or time. Weaning is about readiness. So, a gradual shift from breast milk to supplementary feeds is always advised.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) both recommend exclusive breast feeding for the first six months (180 days), after which you can introduce supplementary feeds gradually along with breast feeding till the age of one year.

Most paediatricians also follow the weaning patterns suggested by WHO and UNICEF. But, depending on individual needs, some paediatricians might recommend weaning foods by the end of sixth month (i.e., after 5 1/2 months). You can definitely go ahead with your paediatrician’s recommendations as all babies are not the same. Your paediatrician is the best person to know about your baby's nutritional needs. Babies are also a good guide of readiness. When you see babies putting things in their mouth, showing interest when others eat, demanding more frequent feeds, or being restless at night, it might signal the time to start weaning.

Remember to start additional supplementary feeds at the appropriate time because research shows that babies who are weaned later have a harder time adjusting to weaning.

Weaning Food for 6 to 7 months Baby, what to start with? 

Weaning is a period of experiments, both for you and your baby. It is really a matter of trial and error to find out what is best for your baby. Most paediatricians advise weaning gradually over a period of time beginning with home-cooked foods using fresh ingredients as these are healthy and easily-digestible for your little one.

Starting off with Weaning Recipes.

When you initiate your baby to weaning, the question uppermost in your mind will be — "What and how much to start with?" Well, the answer to this one is simple. Start with anything that is healthy and easily-digestible and let your baby guide you about the quantity she is ready for.

It is usual to start with half to one teaspoon of a cereal water like rice or even dal water, and to gradually increase the quantity to about half a cup. Both liquid and semi-solid supplements can be introduced to your baby's diet at seven months. Try Moong Dal Water or Rice Water. Start with one or two additional feeds each day, during the first month of weaning. Gradually, as the number of supplementary feeds increase, the interval between breast feeds will also increase.

Be patient with Weaning Foods for Babies

Your little one may really enjoy this treat and begin to show signs of savouring the first taste of real food. However, it is also possible that she may take some time getting used to newer foods. Some babies adapt to weaning quicker while others may be fussy for a while before they adjust. You will have to be patient during this period. Introduce your baby to weaning gradually and lovingly, making it a pleasurable experience both for you and your precious one. Do not force your baby to eat foods she does not want to eat. It is not unusual for babies to react badly or be allergic to some foods, so watch your baby's reactions closely when you introduce a new food.

The best time to introduce supplementary foods is during the daytime, when your baby is fresh and also hungry. If she is not hungry, she will not accept any new food and even become cranky. So, feeding during the day will save both you and your little one an uncomfortable night as digestion is easier earlier during the day than in the latter half.

Start by offering one food at a time and continue this for a couple of days before trying something new. This way, if your baby does have any adverse reaction to a particular food, you will know the likely culprit.

Weaning Foods, Do it yourself…

It is recommended that you feed your baby yourself till she is one year old. This will give you exclusive personal time with your little one and strengthen the maternal bond of love. Give the baby some healthy Banana and Papaya Puree or Beetroot and Carrot Soup. This is the most important time for nurturing your precious one. You will soon be adept at feeding your baby and this time spent together will be precious for both of you.

Always hold your baby comfortably on your lap in an upright position while feeding. This will make swallowing easier for your baby and also prevent choking on foods. A small, rounded spoon with a long handle is the safest means to feed your baby as it will not injure her mouth or gums. Put a small portion of food on the spoon and gently place it on your baby's tongue. If she likes it, you will hear a swallow and if not, you'll see a splatter!

Enjoy our collection of Indian Weaning Foods for 6 to 7 months babies given below.

Enjoy our healthy toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years  and other baby recipes articles below.

1. Recipes for Baby (10 to 12 Months)

2. Recipes for Toddlers (1-3 Years)

3. 7 months baby food

4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months

5. Teething Recipes for Babies

6. Babies Recipes

Toddler Recipes from 1 to 3 years, Indian Toddler Recipes

toddler recipes. indian toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years. As your little one gets ready to celebrate her first birthday, stepping into the fascinating world of toddlerhood, she will be about three times (triple) her birth weight.

The stage from her first birthday until she starts school, i.e., from 1 to 3 years is the stage of toddlerhood. These are crucial years for laying the foundation of your baby’s health. Most babies outgrow the stage of eating mashed and bland foods and will now begin to eat more elaborate meals. They are now ready to eat everything that is being cooked for the other family members.

Do remember that the food habits formed at this age will hold them good for a lifetime. So you need to ensure that she eats healthy and nutritious toddler recipes. Encourage your toddler to eat whatever she likes and treat her palate to a variety of foods so that she cultivates a taste for new foods and flavours. For you, this stage can be a magical experience, as you will see your baby gaining independence and ability very rapidly.

Indian Healthy Toddler Recipes for 1 to 3 years

A wonderful healthy toddler soup which has protein from the dal and fiber from vegetables in puree is Dal and Vegetable Soup. Nothing like a Chila which is toddler friendly.  Then you have the Mini Bajra Oats Uttapa for your kid. Yes we have made it mini for your little one and packed with nutritients. Chickoo is baby friendly as its naturally sweet and we have made this delicisous Chickoo Milkshake.  Remember to remove the thich outer layer of the skin as suggested in the recipe as your toddler will not be able to digest it. 

For smaller toddlers who are use to Rice water then you can try this fab Rice Mash recipe which is lubricated with ghee to make it easier to swallow. 

For toddlers, parathas make terrific food since they can be enoyed without parental supervision and you can stuff healthy toddler food in like Paneer Vegetable Paratha. Also a great way to introduce your toddler to to cereals like jowar and bajra is to give them Multi Grain Palak Paneer Roti

When and how much to feed toddlers from 1 to 3 years

Between the ages of 1 and 3 years, your bundle of energy will grow very rapidly, learning to crawl, talk etc. During this period, she will need to be fed more frequently. Unfortunately, right now, her small stomach is not in a situation to cope up with large meals. So, offer small and frequent meals to your child.

Also remember not to set hard and fast rules in terms of a particular time or number of meals, because what is really important is not the number of times your child eats but what she eats. You need to emphasize on the quality and not quantity of food she eats. Be flexible as rigidity regarding meal times may lead only to stubbornness.

Toddler Recipes, Knowing when the toddler is hungry

Most babies show a decrease in appetite during this year, as they are busy concentrating on learning other skills. If your baby is one amongst them, do not worry, as they usually demand food when they are hungry and eat what they like. On the other hand, some children might not be able to express that they are hungry. They may get tired, cry or nibble on anything that’s within their reach. Now you need to be more attentive than usual, as your little angel may not understand that she is hungry and will probably realize it only once food is in sight. If she is hungry, she can cry or throw a tantrum too, so you need to be alert and remind her to eat by offering her food at regular intervals.

It is possible that sometimes she may refuse to eat for no apparent reason. If you insist on force feeding, meal times will soon become a tug of war between you and your child making her extremely unpleasant and perhaps even lead her to develop an aversion of food. If your little one is not particularly interested in all the foods that you offer and chooses to eat one or two things, do not force her to eat the foods she does not wish to eat. She will surely make up for this lack of eating in her next meal. Mothers are agonized if their baby has had no milk for one day, but it is okay to take a break from regular everyday foods, once in a while. Tempt her with cheese or paneer instead.

Toddler Food, Handling fussy toddlers

Some toddlers are also fussy about what they like and what they want to eat. By now, they have strong preferences, which might make you want to tear your hair out sometimes. This situation can be handled if you follow the basic principle of serving your baby the foods that she is already accustomed to and enjoys, while continuing to add new foods to her diet. Fussing over her may convey that eating is a means of getting family attention.

Cook dishes that your toddler enjoys. Also, it is wiser to mask foods she doesn't like by mashing, or puréeing it. You can also mix those ingredients with your toddler’s favourite ones.

Toddlers also like variety in terms of textures, shapes and flavours as their taste buds are now almost developed.

Enjoy our healthy toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years  and other baby recipes articles below.

1. Recipes for 10 to 12 months Babies

2. Recipes for 8 to 9 months Babies

3. 7 months baby food

4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months

5. Teething Recipes for Babies

6. Babies Recipes

Kids Energy Rich Foods, High energy kids Indian recipes

Kids are very playful, always running around here and there! So, they need foods, which keep topping up their energy reserves! When low in energy kids tend to become weak and lethargic. It is of utmost importance that kids get optimal energy with adequate nutrients. Kids tend to eat very less and their meals need to be power packed but small to satiate their hunger. Energy rich foods means foods that are high in calories. Add more zest to their play with kids energy rich recipes from our recipe collection below.

Kids Energy Rich Recipes, Breakfast Recipes

Healthy Oats and Apple Porridge will give a perfect start to your kids day. Once your kids taste Rajma Spinach Cheese Paratha you will be surprised to see rajma and spinach rise to the top of their favourite ingredients list! Green Pea and Spring Onion Sandwich is a sure shot hit with children, a perfect carbohydrate rich recipe for children to have in breakfast.

Kids Energy Rich Recipes, Sweet Recipes

Coconut Chia Seeds Pudding with Mixed Fruits and Walnuts is a perfect blend of coconut, fruits and nuts to energize your kids. Most kids refuse to eat vegetables especially carrot you can make this Carrot Cake a healthy recipe for your kids loaded with energy and beta carotene which is good for the eyes. Every kid loves chocolate and you can add healthy ingredients to chocolate like this Oats Chocolate Walnut Balls recipe of ours.

Kids Energy Rich Recipes, Snacks Recipes

Cabbage and Paneer Grilled Sandwich will provide the energy boost along with good quality Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus and Thiamine. Serve these delicious Banana Folders to your young ones after school or as a weekend treat, and see them willingly bid adieu to junk foods! Try to give protein in all meals of the day including in snacks. Sprouts-and-Corn-Chatpata-Chaat is a great example of protein rich snack option.

Kids Energy Rich Recipes, Energy Drink Recipes

Pineapple Banana Yoghurt Shake is a perfect blend of sweet and sour taste sure to tickle your child’s taste buds that is a good source of B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus. Give a boost of Beta-carotene and Calcium to your kids with Papaya Green Apple and Orange Smoothie, it’s like a meal in a glass, because it is not only satiating but also very nutritious. Another unique drink is Caribbean-Calypso which is really satiating with excellent amounts of Protein, Fibre, B-complex Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium.

Enjoy our collection of kids energy rich recipes and related  Kids Food Articles below.

Kids Brain Boosting Recipes

Kids Jar Snack Recipes

Kids Noodle Recipes

Kids Tiffin Box Recipes

Kids Pizza Recipes

protein rich food for kids | protein rich recipes for kids

protein rich food for kids. Protein is a very important macronutrient for growing kids as it is essential for building bones, muscles and maintaining healthy skin too. Protein is also required for children to prevent malnutrition. Sadly a lot of children in India suffer from malnutrition and hence it is the responsibility of the mother to include protein rich foods in her kid’s diet.

Top 5 Protein rich foods for kids

Sr.No Food Group Ingredient
1. Milk and Milk products Curd, Paneer, Cheese, Buttermilk, Milk powder,
2. Eggs  
3. Legumes and dals Moong, Matki, Chana, Chawli, Chole, Urad, Masoor, Soya
4. Nuts Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios, Cashewnut.
5. Oilseeds Sunflower seeds, Sesame, Flaxseeds

Protein from animal sources is more bioavailable and readily absorbed by the body whereas protein from plant sources such as cereals and pulses lack in one or more amino acids. To make them bioavailable all you need to do is use a combination of cereals and pulses like Rajma Chawal, Chilkewale Parathe and so on…

Protein Rich Recipes for Kids, Egg Recipes

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein. If you are an eggetarian them make it a point to include it in your kids daily diet. Start your kids’ day with breakfast recipe like French Omelette or pack an egg recipe in their tiffin such as Egg Paratha to give an energy and protein kick to their diet. Scrambled Eggs are great to be had at any time of the day, your kids may have it as a part of their breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Protein Rich Food for Kids, Dairy based Recipes

Milk and milk products will not only provide high quality protein but also calcium. Yummy Oats and Apple Porridge can be served as both a dessert and breakfast. You can even smartly add milk and milk products in your recipes and you kids won’t even come to know just like how we added in the recipe of Date and Sesame Puranpoli. Of course when you think about milk the first thing that comes to our mind is milkshake. Try your hands on this Chickoo and Nut Milkshake loaded with proteins, calcium, phosphorus all of which good for the bones and muscles.

Protein Rich Recipes for Kids, Non-Dairy Recipes

Did you know you can give good quality protein and calcium with non-milk products too? Kids can get their share of protein from irresistible dishes like Mixed Sprouts and Green Pea Chaat, it’s something that tastes great and a modified healthy version of unhealthy bhelpuri. Kids love colourful foods and are really excited to try something that is colorful. Kids are definitely going to try and enjoy this Fruity Chana Salad as it is colourful and more importantly it will add protein, antioxidants and other nutrients to your kids diet. Serve Sprouted Matki Rice a perfect lunch recipe for kids, the sprouts and rice combination enhances the protein quality.

Enjoy our protein rich food for kids  recipes from the options given below.

antioxidant kids recipes

healthy foods for kids to gain weight

recipes for kids weight loss

kids calcium rich recipes

iron rich foods for babies and kids

Happy Cooking!!!

Kids Calcium Rich Recipes, Calcium Recipes for Kids

Why is Calcium Crucial for Kids?

Calcium is one of the most important minerals during growing phase of children. All the calcium deposition in the bones takes place during the initial years of life whereas calcium in the later part of life is used just for maintenance of the bones. Therefore, it is essential for kids to have calcium rich recipes to make their bones dense and strong. Sadly most kids are not fond of milk and refuse from drinking it. It becomes a big task for their mothers to increase their calcium intakes. Most of the mothers do not know calcium rich food items other than milk.

List of Calcium Rich Foods for Kids

Other Calcium rich foods include Curd, Paneer, Cheese, Ragi, Whole pulses like Bengal gram and Rajma, Amaranth Leaves, Colocasia leaves (Black and Green), Green leafy vegetables like Drumstick leaves, Fenugreek leaves, Spinach and Radish leaves, Almonds, Sesame seeds and Sunflower seeds. Try our super Almond Butter recipe. One has to be very innovative in making recipes for kids. Our section on calcium recipes for kids will relieve you from the headache of thinking innovative recipes. Kids calcium recipes should be attractive looking and packed with other nutrients too. Give your kids the calcium they need in the form of tasty dishes that they cannot refuse! 

Kids Calcium Recipes, Breakfast Recipes

Start your kids day with healthy and calcium rich recipes from our kids calcium recipes section. Nachni Paneer Pancake will give a perfect start to your kids day. Stuffed Moong Sprouts Dosa is a really healthy alternative for the regular dosa which is also rich in folic acid. Kids would enjoy this Chocolate Peanut Butter Milkshake a rich source of Calcium, Protein, Vitamin A and Phosphorus, all of which necessary for kids growth.

Kids Calcium Recipes, Snacks Recipes

How about a Creamy Spinach Toast when your kid is bored of eating the same old veg sandwich for evening snacks? Kids would definitely love to devour these yummy Ragi and Broccoli Cutlets. Cheesy Pasta with Vegetables will become your kids favourite snack of all time and being loaded with vegetables it will provide the necessary vitamins too.

Kids Calcium Recipes, Lunch Recipes

Kids are really fussy about eating home cooked lunch. A mother really has to struggle to feed their kids at lunch. Kids only eat when the meal looks appetizing to them You can make colourful lunch recipes like Vegetable Rice with Cheese Sauce. If your child refuses to eat roti with subzis you can make wraps like Paneer and Spring Onion Wrap which look attractive to children and they won’t refuse to eat.

Calcium Recipes for Kids, Roti Recipes

Wondering what to give as a tiffin snack? Try giving this lip smacking Ragi Roti Stuffed with Paneer rich in Protein and Calcium which your child would definitely eat in their tiffin break. Another good option is Nachni and Onion Roti which you can give with your child’s favourite sauce, ketchup or dip. Discover many more such calcium-rich treats in this section that your kids will enjoy and you wouldn’t regret making them.

Enjoy our collection of Calcium Recipes for Kids below.

protein rich food for kids

antioxidant kids recipes

healthy foods for kids to gain weight

recipes for kids weight loss

iron rich foods for babies and kids

Babies, Toddler and Kids Iron Rich Foods and Recipes

iron rich foods for babies and kids. Iron is an essential nutrient at all ages, especially in the growing years, because it is required for making haemoglobin and carrying oxygen from lungs to various parts of the body. Without enough iron, kids tend to become pale and tired because nutrition is not properly distributed to their body parts, they find it difficult to fight infections, and face many other such problems.

Iron Rich Foods Include:

Rich sources of iron are Cereals, Millets, and Pulses like roasted Bengal Gram (Chana), cowpea and lentils (Masoor), Green leafy vegetables such as Amaranth, Cow Pea leaves and Shepu. Of the cereal grains and millets, Bajra, Jowar, Bulgur Wheat, Whole Wheat and Ragi are very good sources of iron. Milk although which is a good source of other nutrients, is a poor source of iron.

Iron Rich Foods for Babies, Iron Rich Foods for Infants

Iron rich recipes for babies aged between 6 months to 12 months should be soft in texture because babies are still undergoing teething. Foods like vegetable mash, porridges, and broths are suitable for infants. Porridges like Bulgur Wheat Porridge and Jowar Ragi and Date Porridge are great to build up iron stores in small babies.

Kids Iron Rich Foods, Snacks

Nothing like a healthy bhel made of Oats after school like Oats-and-Poha-Sukha-Bhel to top up your kids iron levels. We have created a healthy Chawli Mint Burger with whole wheat bread used to avoid giving kids junk food which leads to body inflammation with sugar and refined foods.

Kids Iron Rich Recipes, Desserts

Date and Almond Balls are ideal and healthy way to kill the sweet cravings of kids along with providing the necessary iron to their body. Halim is the king of iron and great dessert for girls to up their iron content with Halim Ladoo. Or try the Poha Phirni that kids would definitely love to have as a dessert.

Kids Iron Rich Foods, Indian Recipes

There is the Punjabi classic Aloo Palak to go with Minty Soya Roti and some Palak Raita, So much of iron if you combine them all in one meal. Enjoy our collection of Iron Rich recipes for kids. We would love to have your feedback.

Happy Cooking!

Enjoy our collection of iron rich foods for babies and kids and other kids articles below.

protein rich food for kids

antioxidant kids recipes

healthy foods for kids to gain weight

recipes for kids weight loss

kids calcium rich recipes

High Fiber Foods for Kids, Kids Fiber Rich Recipes

High Fiber Foods for Kids

If you thought fiber is needed only for diabetics, weight-watchers, etc., you are mistaken. Fiber is important for everybody, especially young children, because it helps in muscle building, digestion and blood circulation. So, make sure you include foods like oats, bulgur wheat, vegetables, etc. in your kids’ diet, in the form of tasty recipes like High Fibre Chilas, and Apple and Oats Milkshake

How to Calculate Dietary Fibre for Children?

Age of the child + 5g is recommended for children older than 3 years. This formula is also easier to remember than other methods by weight or energy level. Dietary fibre should come from food rather than supplements to ensure intakes of other nutrients. Because foods that are rich in fibre are also rich in other nutrients for e.g., vegetables and fruits.

High Fiber Foods for Kids, Snack Recipes

Get creative in making snacks for your kid and make this Khakhra Chaat loaded with high fibre ingredients like peas. All kids are fond of bite size snacks and they need small portions with nutrients packed in it, one such example is Oats Moong Dal Tikki which is power packed with protein and fibre.

High Fiber Foods for Kids, Tiffin Recipes

Tiffin treats are incomplete without south indian items. Here we have a variation of the basic chila Sprouted Moong and Methi Chila that your kids will enjoy during their school breaks. Soya and Til Crispies are perfect for tiffin treats as it’s a dry snack that won’t leak and will remain crisp for a longer time.

High Fiber Foods for Kids, Lunch Recipes

Bulgur Wheat and Paneer Pulao is a yummy and healthier alternative to the regular rice pulao. It is packed with fibre, protein, vitamin A and calcium. Besan Paratha is a simple yet tasty and healthy paratha loaded with fibre, protein, phosphorus and B-complex vitamins.

Enjoy our collection of High Fiber Food for Kids and realted Kids Food articles below.

Kids Recipes 

Breakfast Recipes for Kids

Kids after School Recipes

Healthy Foods for Kids

Antioxidant Kids Recipes, Recipes to Boost Immunity

Children tend to catch infections very easily, from the school, the park and other activity sessions they go to. It is important to build their resistance to diseases with immunity building ingredients. Immunity building ingredients include Citrus Fruits like Oranges, Sweet-lime and Grapefruit, Papaya, Bell peppers, Broccoli, Spinach, Yoghurt, Almond and Walnuts. Immune boosting nutrients are Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid), Zinc, Iron, Selenium and Copper. Good immunity will also help your kids to recover quickly if they end up catching some infection. This section has recipes which will help boost your kids’ immunity.

Foods list that Boost Kids Immunity and their realted nutrients.

  Ingredient Immune Booster in it
1. Citrus Fruits – Oranges, Sweet-lime and Grapefruit Vitamin C
2. Papaya Beta Carotene, Vitamin C
3. Watermelon Lycopene, Iron
4. Blueberries Resveratrol
5. Bell Peppers Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene
6. Broccoli Vitamin C, Polyphenols
7. Yoghurt Probiotics
8. Nuts – Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios Omega-3 fats
9. Spinach Vitamin A, Folate and Iron
10. Sunflower Seeds Selenium

Kids Recipes for Increasing Immunity Recipes, Drinks

The high levels of antioxidants and immunity-boosting elements like beta carotene make Muskmelon and Mint Juice an ideal drink for kids and adults alike. Papaya Pear and Yoghurt Smoothie is a wonderful recipe with immune boosting fruits like papaya and pear, yoghurt and sunflower seeds. This juice will rejuvenate your kid on a tiring day. Top up your child’s antioxidant levels with this innovative recipe of Strawberry Almond Milk and Oats Smoothie.

Kids Recipes for Increasing Immunity Recipes, Soups

Carrot-and-Bell-Pepper-Soup is a wonderful choice to increase the antioxidant Beta-carotene intake of your child to fight infections. If your child has caught cold and fever then Broccoli Broth is the perfect recipe to give to soothe your kid’s mood and make her fit and fresh. Broccoli and Red Capsicum are an amazing combination of flavours and they’ve got ample of health benefits too. Try our recipe for Broccoli and Red Capsicum Soup for a perfect appetizer.

Kids Recipes for Increasing Immunity Recipes, Snacks

Bajra being a storehouse of nutrients is not quite often included in the diet. So here’s a unique Broccoli and Bajra Snack recipe to add bajra benefits in your kids diet. Kids are very fond of colours and would want to eat anything that is colourful. You can include a variety of colourful vegetables to make your kids meal look attractive. One such recipe is of Spinach Dosa which is also rich in iron and folic acid both being antioxidants to fight harmful free radicals in your kids body. Kids would definitely enjoy these multi-textured and fabulously flavoured Ragi and Broccoli Cutlets as a snack that is fresh off the tava.

Enjoy our wide range of recipes to build your child’s immunity

protein rich food for kids

healthy foods for kids to gain weight

recipes for kids weight loss

kids calcium rich recipes

iron rich foods for babies and kids

Happy Cooking!!!

Brain Foods for Kids, Kids Brain Rich Indian Recipes

brain foods for kids. 22 indian brain foods for kids. Our brain is always buzzing—even when we are not ‘thinking’. All through the day, the brain keeps sending signals to all the organs of the body to do their work properly. To be able to do this, the brain needs a constant supply of energy throughout the day. This is even more important for growing children, because nutrition supports their cognitive and motor development too.

A healthy and active brain helps kids focus on their studies and all other activities. So, adults as well as kids need to take good nutritious food, which nourishes and energizes the brain. It won’t help to suddenly have brain food for kids or brain boosting food during the exam time alone! You need to ensure a constant supply of nourishment to the brain, every single day! So, now let’s quickly look at the best foods for your brain, so you can regularly include some of them in your diet.

Top 22 Brain Food for Kids, Brain Development Food

  Foods Active Ingredient that help in brain development
1. Eggs Choline
2. Strawberry Resveratrol
3. Blueberry Anthocyanins
4. Blackberries Resveratrol
5. Red Grapes Resveratrol
6. Avocado Vitamin E
7. Peanut Butter Vitamin E
8. Dark Chocolate Cocoa
9. Spinach Lutein
10. Kale Lutein
11. Broccoli Vitamin K
12. Olives Vitamin E
13. Almond Omega-3 fats
14. Walnuts Omega-3 fats
15. Flaxseeds Omega-3 fats
16. Pumpkin seeds Zinc
17. Oats Lignans
18. Milk Arginine
19. Curds Arginine
20. Paneer Arginine
21. Dals and Pulses Protein
22. Turmeric Curcumin

Brain Foods for Kids, Snack Recipes

Moong Dal ki Chat is a healthy, tasty and flavourful protein rich snack to boost your kid’s brain. Mothers are always confused what to make and end up making the same old idlis and dosas for snacks. Spinach Dosa is an innovative recipe that will cheer up your child’s mood.

Brain Foods for Kids, Drink Recipes

Serve chilled Rose Milk to your kids which will have a cooling effect along with providing protein, calcium and riboflavin. Give a boost of antioxidants to your kids brain with this Palak Kale and Apple Juice the natural sweetness of green apples and honey is enough to sweeten the juice.

Brain Foods for Kids, Sweet Recipes

Try out this delicious Almond Pistachios Praline Triangles a mixture of ingredients that have brain boosters like vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids. Being rich in Omega-3 fats, protein and iron Almond Sheera will keep your kids mentally agile.

Brain Foods for Kids, Indian Recipes

Every Indian meal is incomplete without Dals and we have umpteen recipes on our site, one auch recipe is Chawli Masoor Dal that will help in the development of your child’s brain. Kids would definitely love Spinach Mushroom Sabzi serve this with paratha, kulcha or naan.

Here we present you a range of brain foods for kids that you can include in their daily diet.

Enjoy our collection of 22 brain foods for kids and related  Kids Food Articles below.

Kids Energy Rich Recipes

Kids Jar Snack Recipes

Kids Noodle Recipes

Kids Tiffin Box Recipes

Kids Pizza Recipes

Weight Loss Recipes for Kids

Helathy way for kids weight loss. Changes in lifestyle have made obesity an issue that even kids have to tackle. Today’s kids tend to indulge in a lot of fatty foods, but do not get proportionate physical exercise to burn it off. When kids turn out to be overweight, it becomes a big challenge for moms to make them eat responsibility. You can make the means of weight loss easier and tastier by serving your kids super-tasty but healthy choices like Steamed Corn with Tomato Salsa , Lentil Soup , etc.

Top Foods for Kids’ Weight Loss

When we were kids we used to keep popping into the kitchen to munch on sweets and savouries. During the vacations, we would be totally out of control, binging on these snacks several times a day, losing count of how many burfis or chaklis we consumed. Nobody worried about weight gain or health problems as far as kids were concerned because we used to play outdoors for many hours a day, burning off all the calories consumed!

However, changes in lifestyle have made obesity an issue that even kids have to tackle. The onslaught of packaged foods that are unnaturally, almost addictively tasty, and loaded with unhealthy ingredients is one of the main culprits. The increasing time that kids spend watching television and playing digital games adds to the problem. As a result, they do not get enough physical exercise to burn the fatty foods they consume, which makes the problem quite serious! Living in protected environments and in nuclear families, many kids are also temperamental, which makes it difficult to enforce food habits.

The best way to change this is to create awareness amongst children about the health problems associated with foods they are eating, and replace them with equally tasty but healthy foods, so that kids will happily select the healthy choices over the fast foods. More than anything else, we adults have to teach them by example rather than preaching to them. If we stay away from the unhealthy foods and cheerfully substitute them with tasty but healthy options, kids will willingly follow suit!

To do this, start playing a game of substitution. Identify all the culprits and replace them with healthier substitutes. For example, replace sugar with honey or maple syrup. It also helps to replace unhealthy cooking methods like deep-frying with healthier methods like steaming or baking.

First and foremost, avoid sugar in the food. It triggers inflammation almost immediately in the body. Your blood sugar will rise and fat burning will stop in the stomach. Sugar also has a strange effect on your body. Once you start to have sugar-based products, you tend to continue feeling hungry and crave for more! This explains why kids cannot stop with a small piece of chocolate or candy. There is no use blaming them – blame the sugar instead! Slowly wean kids off sugar. When they yearn for something sweet, give them a fruit-based snack. Delight them with a healthy smoothie made of naturally sweet fruits like apples, strawberry and peaches, which are low in calories. Use almond milk and curds in your smoothie to make it healthier.

Next reduce the consumption of full fat milk, and get your calcium from healthier sources like low-fat milk, curds and paneer. This awesome collection of tasty, kid-friendly recipes are made without full fat milk, bread, potatoes, sugar, and other no-no ingredients mentioned in the table below. We have used healthier substitutes. Yet, you will be surprised to see that your kids no longer miss the junk food, because they are happier with what they get instead!

Weight Loss Recipes for Kids, Breakfast Recipes

Start the day with a healthy breakfast instead of store-bought, sugar-laden cereals. Try giving a healthy oatmeal breakfast like Healthy Instant Oatmeal Recipe or Banana Nut Oatmeal Recipe. If they like to have a glass of milk, go for almond milk based beverages. Try the Almond Honey Cinnamon Milk. for a nutty taste.

Weight Loss Recipes for Kids, Lunch Recipes

For lunch or the kids’ tiffin box, try Jowar and Vegetable Paratha or Spinach Hummus with Cucumber Sticks. Your kids will love to have healthy whole wheat parathas like Stuffed Spinach Paratha or Cauliflower and Green Peas Stuffed Beetroot Wrap. Vegetable wraps like the Masala Bhindi Wrap with Curd Dip are very interesting too!

Weight Loss Recipes for Kids, Snack Recipes

Skipping a meal or snack is the wrong way to handle obesity, especially in kids. They need to have their meals and snacks at the right time, but make sure they have healthy foods. So, when they come back hungry from school, treat them to a healthy but tasty snack like our classic Dosa, Dosa, or homemade jar snacks like Baked Whole Wheat Puris or Moong Dal Papadi. Kids like an element of fun in their food, so try something innovative like the Oats Bhel.

Foods like pasta are not totally taboo. You can make healthier versions of whole wheat pasta, and serve them in limited portions. Go for the Whole Wheat Pasta in Tomato Sauce or Whole Wheat Pasta in Low Calorie White Sauce.

It is good to keep some healthy, homemade jar snacks handy, so that if your kid feels hungry suddenly, they can munch on some of these instead of reaching out to some packaged, store-bought junk food!

Fighting obesity in kids is a challenge because you need to strike a balance between health and taste. After all, childhood needs to be enjoyed and cherished in our memory all lifelong. So, do not be too harsh with your kids. Gradually replace the unhealthy foods they eat with equally tasty but healthy alternatives. Try to make this a playful exercise. Have a scorecard and add points every time your child says no to an unhealthy food and picks a healthy option instead. It also helps to let your kids inside the kitchen and let them experiment with cooking using healthy ingredients and cooking methods. Think of other fun-filled and happy ways in which you can make good health a way of life rather than preach its benefits. Only when kids make the choices consciously will they stick to them forever, even when you are not watching!

Foods to avoid for kids for kids weight loss

1. Milk 12. Processed cheese
2. Sugar 13. Corn flour
3. Bread 14. Chocolate
4. Deep-fried foods 15. Tomato ketchup
5. Corn 16. French fries
6. Maida 17. Ice-cream
7. Vada pav 18. Rava
8. Bhel puri 19. Potatoes
9. Sev puri 20. Pineapple
10. Pizza 21. All canned foods
11. Pasta    

Foods to encourage for kids weight loss

1. Whole wheat 11. Almond Milk
2. Barley 12. Healthy Fruits like Apples
3. Bread 13. Pears
4. Oats 14. Strawberries
5. Healthy salads 15. Peaches
6. Soups 16. Blueberries
7. Fruits 17. Sprouts
8. Vegetables 18. Curd
9. Jowar 19. Paneer
10. Dals 20. Brown Rice

Follow the easy and correct method for recipes for kids weight loss below. You will also find the article on kids weight gain of interest. 

protein rich food for kids

antioxidant kids recipes

healthy foods for kids to gain weight

kids calcium rich recipes

iron rich foods for babies and kids

Healthy Foods for Kids to gain weight | Kids Weight Gain Recipes |

Healthy Foods for Kids to gain weight. Weight Gain Recipes for Kids. Children tend to eat fatty foods like junk, chips, and whatever is easily available. They eat less fruits and vegetables and often skip breakfast which is the most important meal of the day. With right guidance and nutrition education children can learn to prefer healthy foods such as milk, eggs, green and orange fruits and vegetables, whole grain and unrefined cereals.

Healthy eating habits should start right from childhood and it is the parent’s duty to inculcate these healthy habits in the kid. Most children are picky eaters and do not consume enough and therefore their growth is slowed or stunted and they become lethargic.

Maintaining an ideal weight is important for kids, and for this it is important to give them nutritious high calorie foods as they give them a lot of energy and keeps them active. Put the glow back on their faces with energy-dense recipes. It is important that children learn to avoid unhealthy and refined food items right from their young age. Unhealthy foods like refined carbohydrates, high sugar beverages, deep fried foods as they contain trans-fats cause ill health conditions like diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart problems, etc.

Kids Weight Gain Recipes, Snacks

Add more energy and fibre to your digestive biscuits like our recipe for Healthy No Bake Cookies as the name suggests it does not require baking and is quick that kids would drool for. We all know kids love creamy texture and here we have a recipe of Carrot Green Peas Creamy Sandwich that just melts in the mouth. Has carrots and peas that will give an antioxidant boost to your child and being energy rich it’s a wonderful recipe for weight gain. Kids often feel hunger pangs after a play session and Moong Bhel is the perfect snack option to satisfy their hunger pangs being excellent in protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and phosphorus.

Healthy Foods for Kids to Gain Weight, Breakfast

Adding vegetable purees to the rotis and parathas is a great way to add vegetables to your kids diet. You can serve Broccoli Paratha as a breakfast item or pack it as a tiffin treat. You may also spread some cheese on it and turn it into a roll for additional calories. Mini-Nachni-Pancake is delicious, power packed with calcium and fibre and can be served with healthy coconut chutney for enhancing its taste. Is your kid bored of having the same old milk for breakfast? How something new like Dry Fruit Milkshake that’s loaded with energy and proteins and has a rich flavour and amazing mouthfeel, which will leave your kid asking for everyday.

Choose from our wide range of recipes for weight gain like Groundnut Tikkis, Oats and Mixed Nuts Ladoo, Rajma Spinach Cheese Paratha and so on.

Enjoy our Healthy Foods for Kids to gain weight recipes and guidelines. 

protein rich food for kids

antioxidant kids recipes

recipes for kids weight loss

kids calcium rich recipes

iron rich foods for babies and kids

Recipes for Weaning (8 to 9 months), Weaning First Foods

The food groups will remain the same as they were in the last phase viz.
7 months. Only the textures will change for weaning foods for 8 to 9 months. As your baby grows older, around the age of 8 to 9 months, you can introduce a whole lot of new foods to her diet.

Liquid Supplements for Weaning Foods

1. Dairy products: At this time of the first year, you can introduce curds (made with cow's milk) followed by paneer in combination with other foods like in Spinach Paneer Puree etc.

2. Weaning Foods 8 to 9 months, Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Soups:

By the age of 8 to 9 months, most babies are quite ready for unstrained soups and juices in increased quantities. All the vegetables, including green leafy vegetables, can be cooked in small amounts of water and blended along with the water that they are cooked in, as this is rich in water-soluble vitamins like B and C. To minimize the risk of infections, do remember to wash and peel the fruits and vegetables thoroughly before feeding your baby. Greens can be combined with other vegetables or dals to make flavourful soups. Try our suggestions like Palak Moong Dal Soup, Potato and Vegetable Soup, Mixed Vegetable Soup etc. Juices like those of carrots and muskmelon, which you were feeding in seventh month, can also be continued.

Semi-Solid Supplements for Weaning Recipes

Although your baby may be eating the same foods as before, their consistency will change as she will have acquired new skills like biting and chewing. Gradually, start with cooked whole dals and pulses as alternative sources of protein to supplement your baby's diet. Check out recipes like Dal and Vegetable Mash and Rice Mash. Add a teaspoon of ghee to improve their nutritive quality, as growing babies need plenty of nourishment to help them grow healthy.

dal and vegetable mash recipe for babies | dal and vegetable puree for babies | healthy dal mash for babies | how to make dal mash for babies at home |

Enjoy our collection of Weaning Recipes for 8 to 9 month babies and infants below.

Enjoy our healthy toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years  and other baby recipes articles below.

1. Recipes for Baby (10 to 12 Months)

2. Recipes for Toddlers (1-3 Years)

3. 7 months baby food

4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months

5. Teething Recipes for Babies

6. Babies Recipes

Recipes for 10 to 12 Months Babies, Indian Weaning Food

baby recipes for 10 to 12 month babies. Time will fly by and before you even realize it, you will be getting set to celebrate your baby's first birthday. By now, in addition to breast milk, 4 to 5 supplementary feeds per day are necessary for your growing baby.

There are no hard and fast rules about when your baby should progress from one stage to the next. However usually most babies adjust to semi-solid and solid supplements with real gusto, by the tenth month. They may have already graduated to eating porridge, mashed fruits and vegetables, unstrained soups, khichdi and will be ready to try something adventurous. Grab this opportunity! This is the right time to add more combinations and textures of food to your baby's diet. Moreover, as they approach their first birthday, they begin to show interest in eating all those foods that other family members around them are eating and they are willing to experiment with them.

This is the best time to gradually accustom your baby to eat with the family and also to eat the same meals as the family does. Try and enjoy at least one family meal everyday with your baby.

These meal times are also a good way for her to learn to feed herself and also encourages her to be independent. She will learn to eat quicker and be more motivated to be self-sufficient by watching others at the table. Give her a clean baby spoon to eat on her own and serve food cut into tiny ‘bite-sized’ pieces so she can handle it easily. You can fill the spoon for your baby, but leave the actual feeding to her. Even if it is slightly messy in the beginning, she will soon learn her table manners.

6 steps for WEANING FOODS for 10 to 12 months Baby

Like most adults, babies also eat with their eyes first, so their meals should look appealing. Make her meals more appealing by making foods into different shapes and sizes so that the food looks fascinating, adding different coloured fruits and veggies to make it appealing. You can also serve the food in colourful plates and bowls thus making meal times into happy times for you and your little one.

1. Liquid Food for 10 to 12 months Babies

Dairy Products: Continue adding fresh curds and paneer to your baby's diet at 10 months. Serve curds with parathas. Paneer can be added to roti and rice delicacies like Bulgur Wheat and Paneer Pulao.

Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Soups: You can continue to serve one unstrained vegetable soup and/ or fruit juice as appetizers before meals or in the evenings. Fruit juices are great sources of a natural sugar called fructose that provides instant energy to keep your baby perked up. This will also take care of your baby's hunger until meal times. Most paediatricians are against giving juices and soups during meal times, as they can affect your baby's appetite and she may not be so willing to eat her meal after that. Again, do remember that there are no hard and fast rules and if your baby is happier with a 'soupy' dinner, just go ahead with it.

2. Semi-Solid and Solid Food for Babies

This is a period of transition and exploration for your baby; especially where her diet is concerned. She is most likely to be ready for a switch from mashed and semi-puréed foods to finely-chopped and lumpy foods. However, some babies are reluctant to accept this transition and may just be really happy gulping mashed foods. Include a variety of chopped vegetables like carrot, potatoes, spinach etc. to your baby's meal. Your little one is going to be extremely attracted to colourful and 'feel-good' dishes so do pay attention to the colour and texture of her meals. Colourful dishes like Jowar and Bajra Vegetable Roti and Cabbage Moong Dal Khichdi and Spring Vegetable Risotto will be accepted easily by your baby at this stage.

3. Helping the teething process

As your baby grows older and continues teething, encourage her to have whole fruits and vegetables like banana, chickoo, apples and cucumber, which are soothing for the gums. Chewing food is also great exercise for your baby’s gums when she is teething and helps to strengthen the new teeth that are emerging. Peel and cut the foods into bite-sized pieces. Fruits and vegetables provide bulk in the diet and aid in the baby's bowel movements too. But always keep a watch, to avoid choking.

4. Getting used to home food

The good news for you is that you may no longer need to prepare special meals for your baby. By the end of the first year, your baby can start eating everything from your family pot. Just keep her portion aside before adding spices and seasoning to the food for the other family members. In fact, a wonderful way to acquaint your baby with your 'ghar ka khana' is to mix a spoon or two of your regular food to the portions you have kept aside for her. This will gradually help your little one to adjust her palate to these new and wonderful tastes of your home cooking.

5. Fermented foods,  Babies Recipes for 10 to 12 months

At this age, you can also introduce fermented foods to your baby's diet, as these are nourishing and easy for your baby to digest. Curd is an example of fermented food that is commonly eaten on a daily basis. However, curd is introduced to your baby at eight months itself because it is easier to digest. Idlis, dosas, dhoklas, etc. made with a combination of cereals and pulses are also good examples of fermented foods, which can be added to your baby's diet from the tenth month onwards. Vegetable Idlis is a fermented dish which your baby will definitely relish!

6. Tougher foods for Babies

Some foods like whole nuts, raw peas, corn, etc. should be avoided till your baby is a year old as they can cause choking. For that reason, they’re not safe for your baby to eat at this stage in their whole form. However, as they are nutritious, you can mash or purée them before giving them to your baby. Corn Sambhar is an example of such a food.

You can start adding restricted amount of salt to your baby's diet at this stage as they are getting used to regular home-cooked food. However, some paediatricians recommend avoiding it till your baby turns one. So it is advisable to consult your paediatrician before adding salt to your baby's meals.

Enjoy our collection of Baby Recipes for 10 to 12 months.

Enjoy our healthy toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years  and other baby recipes articles below.

1. Recipes for Toddlers (1-3 Years)

2. Recipes for 8 to 9 months Babies

3. 7 months baby food

4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months

5. Teething Recipes for Babies

6. Babies Recipes

7 months Baby Food, Indian Weaning recipes

There are varying opinions about the sequence of weaning foods. Most babies are accustomed to a diet composed entirely of milk till the sixth month. So initially, it is a good idea to introduce weaning with liquid supplements like soups, juices, and dal water starting from the sixth month onwards. These can be followed by semi-solid supplements like mashed cereals, fruits and vegetables. You should begin with one such supplementary feed every day, preferably in the morning. Later, you can add one more feed in the evening. Consult your paediatrician before you start weaning, as he will be the best person to guide you about the special needs of your baby.

Liquid Supplements for 7 months Baby Food

Dairy Products: In the first month of weaning, top milk (cow's or buffalo's) is not recommend by most paediatricians as you are still breastfeeding and that is enough to fulfil your little one's requirement. But if you are giving mashed fruits like banana, then to thin down the consistency, you can add 2 tbsp of breast milk or cow's milk (as it is more easily digestible) as shown in the recipe of Banana Mash. However, it is advisable to feed just a teaspoon of mashed banana when you are feeding it for the first time to ensure that your baby doesn't have any digestive problems or allergy to cow's milk.

Fruit and Vegetable Juices: A well-balanced diet is essential, especially during these initial months. Your little one is growing now and will need vitamins and minerals to make her strong. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices made of carrots, beetroot, apple and muskmelon that are storehouses of vitamins, are the best foods to supplement a breast milk diet. You can also serve Apple Punch, which is strained water of cooked apples.

9 guidelines on how to prepare and feed fruit juices to your 7 month baby:

Straining the juices is necessary to make digestion easier.
Most paediatricians recommend that fruits like custard apple, pineapple, grapes, watermelon, guavas, orange and strawberry should be avoided till your baby is one year old.
It is better to avoid using vegetables like tomatoes to make juice as they may contain some indigestible shreds even after you strain them, and these may be difficult for your baby to digest at this age.
To begin with, introduce your baby to a single fruit or vegetable juice at a time. This will help you to identify your baby's likes, dislikes and allergies, if any. Check the recipe of Carrot Juice, and Muskmelon Juice.
Follow this with a combination of two fruits or vegetables, once the baby has adjusted to both the fruits or vegetables individually. Try Carrot and Muskmelon Juice.
Start with 1 teaspoon of liquid and gradually increase the amount to about half a cup per day.
Before you start preparing your baby's meal, do remember to wash and sterilise all the utensils and equipments you use.
Don’t expect your baby to like all the foods you give her. If she does not like something, avoid it for some days and try again later.
Stay away from myths and superstitions. A prevalent notion that fruit juices must be warmed before feeding to prevent your baby from catching a cold is completely erroneous. Warming or heating will destroy the volatile vitamin C present in them.

Vegetable Soups and Dal Water: Strained dal water is the best one to begin with, especially moong dal as it is easier to digest. Serve Moong Dal Water and see your little one’s face light up. You can also begin with thin strained vegetable soups such as carrot, pumpkin, bottle gourd, beetroot etc. These are a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

4 pointers on vegetable soups and dal water:

It is advisable to begin with one type of vegetable soup or dal and gradually accustom your baby to a combination of these vegetables and dals.
Try recipes like Masoor Dal Water, Doodhi Soup, Beetroot Soup, and Carrot Soup. Gradually try vegetable combinations like Beetroot and Carrot Soup.
A wide variety of soups and dals will help your baby savour and develop a taste for foods other than breast milk.
Adding salt to babies' meals at this age is not recommended as their kidneys are not yet developed. Don't worry; they don’t have a craving for sugary and salty foods at this age. So, they will definitely welcome the salt-free foods served to them.

Semi-Solid Supplements for 7 month Baby Food

Babies are most likely to take to semi-solid foods with gusto, savouring this addition to their regular diet of milk, soups and juices. It is also quite possible that they may resist these changes, resulting in a messy meal and splattered clothing and furniture. Do not be alarmed by this as your baby may resist new tastes initially. It is a natural process where she is trying to adapt to new foods and to learn the skill of swallowing foods other than liquids while also adapting to newer flavours.

It is not essential to follow a strict drill or order in which to introduce the supplementary foods. However, the best semi-solid supplement for your baby initially, is a single cereal or a mashed fruit or vegetable. Rice is the most common cereal to begin with, as it is nutritious and easiest for babies to digest. It is wiser to begin with Rice Water and within a week or two you can start on Rice Mash.

This is the time to introduce mashed fruits as well. Most babies will love the sweet taste of fruits and welcome this innovation in their regular diet. Banana Mash makes an excellent meal. Chickoo, papaya and ripe mango can also be great additions.

Ensure that food is properly cooked and blended to a semi-solid consistency so that it is easy to swallow. Remember to begin with a single fruit or vegetable and gradually introduce your baby to combinations. If she does not accept a particular food, do not worry. Wait patiently for 1 or 2 weeks and re-introduce the same food again. In the meanwhile, try other food group combinations instead.

Enjoy our healthy toddler recipes for 1 to 3 years  and other baby recipes articles below.

1. Recipes for Baby (10 to 12 Months)

2. Recipes for Toddlers (1-3 Years)

3. Recipes for Weaning (8 to 9 months)

4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months

5. Teething Recipes for Babies

6. Babies Recipes

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Top Recipes

Who can resist the temptation of sinking their teeth into a soft, rich and gooey chocolate cake? An all-time favourite, the Chocolate Cake fits perfectly into any occasion , and is a must-add to everybody’s cooking folders. This intensely-flavoured eggless chocolate cake is surprisingly easy to make and hardly requires any complex preparations. Made with an ideal combination of flour, butter and condensed milk, this cake has a wonderfully rich texture – not to forget the memorable flavour derived from cocoa and vanilla. A recipe that is definitely worth trying! You can also try other delightful Cakes like Black Forest Cake or Cheesy Chocolate and Fruit Cake
If u do not have margarine, you can use unsalted butter for the same. This is a simple and full-proof recipe to get a perfect chocolate sponge cake. Must try this pressure cooker cake its yummy.
nylon khamman dhokla | Gujarati nylon khamman dhokla | instant nylon khamman dhokla | with 18 amazing images nylon khamman dhokla is a soft and fluffy steamed snack from the Gujarati repertoire. This all-time favourite is enjoyed as a starter , as a tea-time snack, or even for breakfast. Basically, something you can have any time you are hungry! These Gujarati nylon khamman dhokla are so soft and spongy that the reference to nylon is really apt! What is more, this recipe is also very easy to implement if you follow these simple instructions properly and practice it a bit. The addition of fruit salt to the batter, and water to the tempering, are the two main factors responsible for the super-soft and spongy nature of this dhokla. Temper just before serving, for the perfect “100/100”! I would like to give you some tips/suggestions to make a perfect nylon khamman dhokla. 1. Add the lemon juice and salt to the dough. As this is a sweet and slightly sour dhokla, we add lemon juice. Alternately you can add citric acid (nimbu ka phool). The lemon juice (or citric acid) and fruit salt create a fizzy reaction which results in soft, spongy khaman. 2. Mix well using a whisk to get a smooth Nylon Khamman Dhokla batter. The batter will have to mixed very well as the sugar needs to dissolve properly. If you want you can keep the batter aside for 10-15 minutes till the sugar has properly dissolved. 3. Grease 175 mm. (7") diameter thali with a little oil. This is an important step because greasing helps the nylon khamman dhokla come out of the plate without breaking or sticking. 4. Just before steaming, add the fruit salt. This will react with the lemon juice to give a fluffy batter. 5. Gently mix the fruit salt in the batter till just mixed. Do not over mix the batter, it should be airy and fluffy like this! 6. Pour the tempering over the prepared dhoklas and spread it evenly. Make sure the dhoklas are warm when you pour the tempering or else they will not soak the water in. Serve nylon khamman dhokla with green chutney. Enjoy nylon khamman dhokla | Gujarati nylon khamman dhokla | instant nylon khamman dhokla | with detailed step by step photos.
Indian style hakka noodles | Indo Chinese hakka noodles | hakka noodles | veg hakka noodles | with amazing 25 images. Off day and want to cook something different from everyday dal roti? Hakka noodles is one of the best options to treat your taste buds and a perfect one meal dinner. This is an Indo Chinese hakka noodles recipe with a mix of noodles and vegetables. Veg hakka noodles are flavourful noodles tossed with vegetables. It is basically from the Asian cuisine which has been adapted in India and now is found in every restaurant and is also, one of the famous Indian street food. As mentioned earlier, it is an Indian style Chinese hakka noodles of making it, the authentic one differs. There are a lot many variations to the recipe, ours is a simple veg hakka noodles from the Indo-Chinese recipes. The preparation also doesn’t take much time, this recipe can be quickly made. We have made Indo Chinese hakka noodles by boiling noodles at first and further in a wok, take oil and add the flavour enhancing ingredients like garlic and whole dry kashmiri red chillies. Further, all the vegetables are added which include cabbage, capsicum and spring onions and are cooked on high flame, the reason behind cooking everything on high flame is that it helps the vegetables to remain crunchy.Then add noodles and salt. Lastly, garnish with some spring onion greens. Some people also add vinegar, soy sauce and pepper powder to the veg hakka noodles but this is our own version and like said earlier everyone has their own version. I usually make veg hakka noodles for both lunch and dinner. Sometimes, this even goes to my kids tiffin or on a lazy Sunday this is my go to recipe. I personally love it and all the members in my family, including the most elder one’s love it and the scrumptious noodles are gulped down in blink of an eye. We have this on our weekly menu, Indian style hakka noodles are definitely made atleast once in a week. Doesn’t take more than 20 minutes to prepare the dish. Veg hakka nooodles teams up well with most of the Chinese vegetable dishes like the Sweet and Sour Vegetable, Chinese Fried Paneer in Hot and Sweet Sauce or Tofu in Black Bean Sauce. It makes a sumptuous meal that you will relish till the last bite. I usually make Veg Manchurian with hakka noodles as an accompaniment. Serve hakka noodles immediately with chilli sauce, soya sauce and chillies in vinegar. Enjoy Indian style hakka noodles | Indo Chinese hakka noodles | hakka noodles | veg hakka noodles with detailed step by step photos below.
Gujarati plain thepla | thepla recipe | healthy sada thepla | with 19 amazing images. Gujaratis love plain thepla just as much as a fat kid loves chocolate. Theplas are an inherent part of Gujarati meals, and are used for regular meals, travelling and for picnics! When you anticipate a busy fortnight, you can make a large batch of plain theplas and keep them in stock and relish with curds and chunda or bateta chips nu shaak. Sometimes whole jeera or til can be added to enhance the flavour of healthy sada thepla. You can even add other ingredients like methi and doodhi to this recipe, to add more variety to your menu. With just handful of ingredients that are easily available in our kitchen shelves, this plain thepla is so tasty because of the perfectly flavored dough. This is the most basic thepla recipe made with minimum and basic ingredients. Preparing this sada thepla doesn't take much time and you can add thepla to your menu when you are bored of having the regular roti or chapati as Gujarati plain thepla can be had with any Indian sabzi. To make plain thepla, take whole wheat flour in a bowl, add oil and curd to it which helps in making the softer. Further, add some spices, turmeric powder for some color and red chilli powder for a hint of spice. Lastly we have added sesame seeds to add a flavor to the thepla you can also skip this step. Mix all the ingredients well and knead into a soft dough. At later stage, add few more drops of oil and knead it properly, cover and keep aside for 10 mins. Divide the dough into 14 equal portions and shape them into round balls. Press them gently between your palms and flatten it to roll out each portion into a 125 mm. (5") diameter circle using whole wheat flour for rolling. Heat a non-stick tava (griddle) over medium flame. On the hot tawa, place the rolled circle and cook each circle, using a little oil, till it turns golden brown in colour from both sides on a slow flame. To increase the shelf life of the plain thepla, use lots of oil while cooking; so that they will remain longer. Serve the hot with chunda or sweet mango pickle. Also, the addition of curd in the dough is skipped while making thepla for travelling. Cool them completely and store them in an air-tight container or cover with an aluminum foil. Be generous with the oil while cooking, or you might end up with dry and hard theplas. See why we find sada thepla healthy? Made mainly from Whole wheat flour which is excellent for diabetics as they will not shoot up your blood sugar levels as they are a low GI food. We have a collection of top 10 Thepla Recipes which include Methi Thepla, there is also Methi na Thepla recipe for travellers which are rolled theplas having a shelf life of 7 days, Karela Theplas for diabetic, healthy Doodhi Theplas . Included are some thepla wraps like Thepla Paneer Wrap and Methi Thepla Wrap made from fresh fenugreek leaves that can be eaten as snacks. Enjoy Gujarati plain thepla | thepla recipe | healthy sada thepla | with detailed step by step photos and video below.
veg Frankie recipe | Mumbai street food veg Frankie | veg Frankie step by step | with 30 amazing images. The Veg Frankie of Mumbai is now so famous that you can find Frankie stalls all over the country – in parks and beaches, on the street and in food courts. A satiating snack that can be relished even on-the-go, the veg frankie is made by rolling up a tongue-tickling potato mixture inside roti wraps. veg frankie is one of Mumbai’s most famous roadside foods and its a very appetising experience to watch the Frankie-wala deftly preparing one. The rotis are made beforehand, but cooked again with butter before making the veg frankie. It’s not just the masaledar potato mixture that makes the Frankie so tasty but also the crunch of onions and the tangy masala water that’s sprinkled on it. Every single ingredient – from the butter-cooked rotis to the tangy water, the crunchy onions and zesty Frankie masala – contributes to the flavour of the Mumbai style veg Frankie. I would like to suggest to some tips to make the perfect veg Frankie recipe. 1. Mash the potatoes well with a potato masher or with your hands before you put them in a non stick pan. 2. It is advisable to use lightly cooked rotis with golden brown spots. Overcooked rotis will taste awful. 3. Wrap a tissue paper or aluminium foil around the frankie to seal it and to be able to hold it. Follow this authentic veg frankie recipe to recreate the magic in your own kitchen. There are many more variants of this versatile and handy snack, including Jain, Schezwan and Cheesy versions. Try other famous roadside treats like the Vada Pav or Schezuan Chopsuey Dosa. Enjoy veg Frankie recipe | Mumbai street food veg Frankie | veg Frankie | with detailed step by step photos and video below.
eggless chocolate cake using microwave without condensed milk | Indian style eggless chocolate cake using microwave with sour cuds | with 20 amazing images. Indian’s love eggless cake recipes. Here we have eggless chocolate cake using microwave without condensed milk which is an Indian style eggless chocolate cake using microwave. Made from 7 basic ingredients like plain flour, sugar, butter, sour curds, cocoa powder and vanilla essence. A chocolate-based cake is the easiest way to flatter kids, and even adults for that matter. And, with this eggless chocolate cake using microwave without condensed milk it can be prepared very quickly. To make Indian style eggless chocolate cake using microwave with sour curds all you need to do is combine curd and baking soda in a bowl and keep aside. If not using homemade curd, buy Greek yogurt from market for best results. Further, sieve the plain flour and cocoa powder in a bowl and keep aside. Also, pour ¼ cup of water in a deep microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 1 minute, add the melted butter and sugar and mix well. You can make use of full-fat milk instead of water to make the Indian style eggless chocolate cake using microwave with sour curds more rich but, ensure it is on room temperature as it emulsifies better. Add the plain flour mixture, curds-baking soda mixture and vanilla essence and mix lightly with a spatula till no lumps remain. Spoon the mixture into a 125 mm. (5") diameter greased, microwave safe dish and microwave on high for 4 minutes. Remove from the microwave and allow the cake to stand for approx. 5 minutes. Unmould and serve eggless chocolate cake using microwave without condensed milk immediately. Just make sure you use up the eggless chocolate cake using microwave without condensed milk immediately as it tends to dry up a little if left for a while – in which case, you can slice it, top it with ice-cream or custard, and a spoonful of fruits or dry fruits, to prepare a grand dessert! Learn to make eggless chocolate cake using microwave without condensed milk | Indian style eggless chocolate cake using microwave with sour curds | with detailed step by step photos below.
sada dosa recipe | plain dosa | South Indian sada dosa | how to make easy sada dosa | with 33 amazing images. sada dosa recipe | plain dosa | South Indian sada dosa | how to make easy sada dosa is a famous street food as well as restaurant food in South India. Learn how to make easy dosa. To make sada dosa, wash and soak the urad dal, fenugreek seeds and enough water in a deep bowl and mix well. Cover with a lid and keep aside to soak for 4 hours. Wash and soak the par-boiled rice, raw rice and thick beaten rice and enough water in a deep bowl and mix well. Cover with a lid and keep aside to soak for 4 hours. Drain the urad dal and fenugreek seeds and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste using approx. 1 cup of water. Transfer the mixture into a deep bowl and keep aside. Drain the par-boiled rice, raw rice, and thick beaten rice and blend in a mixer to a smooth paste using approx. 1 cup of water. Transfer the mixture into the same bowl of the urad dal batter, add the salt and mix well. Cover with a lid and keep aside to ferment in a warm place for 12 hours. Once fermented, mix it very well. Just before serving, heat a non-stick tava (griddle), sprinkle a little water on the tava (griddle) and wipe it off gently using a muslin cloth. Pour 1½ ladleful of the batter on it and spread it in a circular motion to make a 225 mm. (9”) diameter thin circle. Smear a little ghee over it and along the edges and cook on a medium flame till the dosa turns golden brown in colour and crisp. Fold over to make a semi-circle or a roll. Repeat with the remaining batter to make 19 more dosas. Serve immediately with coconut chutney, sambhar and malgapodi. Delightfully crisp, golden-coloured pancakes made of a rice and urad dal batter, South Indian sada dosa make a more indulgent breakfast compared to easy, steamed idlis! Combined with chutney and sambar, Dosas are sumptuous and tasty, fit to be had not just for breakfast but for evening tiffin or even dinner. While some people like to make plain dosas with leftover idli batter, others who do not like even a slight sourness make fresh dosa batter using the proportions described here. You can choose either option, as you wish. Not only that, the versatile easy sada dosa offers a lot more choices. You can make it with oil, ghee or butter; in an iron griddle or a non-stick tava, plain or with a stuffing of potato bhaji or a layer of chutney! Enjoy your sada dosa fresh and hot, just the way you like it. Tips for sada dosa. 1. The urad dal, rice and parboiled rice have to be soaked for 4 hours. So plan for it in advance. 2. Don’t miss out on adding fenugreek seeds while soaking. It helps in fermentation. 3. The batter usually takes 12 hours to ferment. But in winter season, it may take upto 14 to 15 hours depending on the temperature outside. 4. If using leftover batter from the fridge, then bring it to room temperature and then make dosa. This is very important or else you won’t get brown crispy dosa. 5. If the tava gets too hot, then sprinkle some water to bring down the temperature of the tava. By doing so the dosa will not stick to the pan. The ideal temperature of tava is very important to make the perfectly crisp dosa. Enjoy sada dosa recipe | plain dosa | South Indian sada dosa | how to make easy sada dosa | with step by step photos.
mixed dal handvo recipe | Gujarati handvo | handvo recipe | with amazing 25 images. Mixed dal handvo is a traditional Gujarati savoury cake (Gujarati farsan), which is a nutritious meal in its own right when served with chutney and buttermilk. mixed dal handvo is a mixed dal and rice cake which is very famous meal dish originated from Gujarat. Although readymade flour is available in the market, we suggest you try this mixed dal handvo version to experience the true flavour. We have made mixed dal handvo from scratch as homely food is always healthier and hygienic. mixed dal handvo recipe is made in a non-stick kadhai. Every Gujarati household has their own way of making handvo and here we have shared our version of Gujarati handvo. handvo is made with grated bottle gourd but you can use any veggies that you wish to. The grated bottle gourd is a very critical ingredient in this mixed dal handvo as it imparts the required softness to the handvo – such that it is crisp outside but soft inside. You can enjoy mixed dal handvo as a side dish with your meal or can also pack it for your kids tiffin. I prefer relishing handvo as my evening snack with a piping hot cup of Elaichi Tea. Go ahead and follow these instructions meticulously—you are sure to end up with perfect mixed dal handvo! Enjoy mixed dal handvo recipe | Gujarati handvo | handvo recipe | with detailed step by step recipe photos and video below.
eggless chocolate brownie recipe | Indian style eggless chocolate brownie | easy chocolate brownie | 5 minute brownie | brownie with cocoa powder | with 27 amazing images. eggless chocolate brownie is a simple recipe to follow and very popular in India as there is a very large population who eat eggless brownies. Here is how you can prepare the most authentic best Indian style eggless chocolate brownie with common ingredients! Just flour, curds, butter, cocoa and a few other everyday ingredients when worked the right way give rise to a fantastic perfect texture and gooey brownie. To make eggless chocolate brownie, sift together the flour and cocoa powder using a sieve. Keep aside. Combine the curds and soda-bi-carb in a bowl, mix well and keep aside. Combine the melted butter, powdered sugar, vanilla essence and ½ cup of hot water in another bowl and whisk well. Add the curds-soda mixture and mix well. Add the flour mixture and walnuts and mix gently to make a smooth batter of dropping consistency. Grease a 150 mm. (6”) diameter shallow microwave safe dish using butter. Line it with a piece of greaseproof paper at the bottom of the dish and again grease it using a little butter. Pour the batter into the greased and lined microwave safe dish, spread it evenly using a spoon and microwave on high for 4 minutes. Cool the chocolate brownie slightly and unmould by turning upside down on a plate. Remove and discard the grease proof paper and serve the chocolate brownie hot. This 5 minute brownie has its credit to the microwave. Get all the ingredients ready, mix them in the right quantities as mentioned and leave it in the microwave for 4 minutes. Do not overcook them, else you will land up with hard brownies. Cool it slightly and unmould and enjoy. This brownie with cocoa powder is perfect to serve with tea or as a dessert, with a topping of vanilla ice-cream. Whichever way you choose to have it, you are sure to fall in love with this rich chocolate experience. If you loved this recipe, you are sure to like more of our Eggless Cake Recipes. Tips for chocolate brownie. 1. Sifting of plain flour is very important to have a lump free mixture. 2. Prefer to use fresh baking soda or from a packet which is recently opened, so the brownie rises well. 3. If you don’t have powdered sugar, grind the table sugar in a mixer and sieve it before use. 4. After adding soda-curd mixture remember to mix gently and not vigorously, else the effect of soda might decrease. 5.If you wish, you can substitute walnuts with chocolate chips. Enjoy eggless chocolate brownie recipe | Indian style eggless chocolate brownie | easy chocolate brownie | 5 minute brownie | brownie with cocoa powder | with step by step photos.